The spiralize packageUpdated 3 months ago

Zuguang Gu ([email protected])

Rendered from spiralize.Rmd in spiralize 1.1.0.
Usage of YAPSA Updated 5 months ago

Daniel Huebschmann

Rendered from YAPSA.Rmd in YAPSA 1.31.0.
The simona packageUpdated 6 months ago

Zuguang Gu ([email protected])

Rendered from simona.Rmd in simona 1.3.12.
The rGREAT packageUpdated 6 months ago

Zuguang Gu ([email protected])

Rendered from rGREAT.Rmd in rGREAT 2.7.0.
Customize BioCarta Pathway ImagesUpdated 11 months ago

Zuguang Gu ([email protected])

Rendered from BioCartaImage.Rmd in BioCartaImage 1.3.0.
Signature-specific cutoffs Updated 12 months ago

Lea Jopp-Saile and Daniel Hübschmann

Rendered from vignette_signature_specific_cutoffs.Rmd in YAPSA 1.31.0.
Confidence Intervals Updated 12 months ago

Daniel Huebschmann

Rendered from vignette_confidenceIntervals.Rmd in YAPSA 1.31.0.
Stratified Analysis of Mutational Signatures Updated 12 months ago

Daniel Huebschmann

Rendered from vignette_stratifiedAnalysis.Rmd in YAPSA 1.31.0.
Indel signature analysis Updated 12 months ago

Lea Jopp-Saile and Daniel Huebschmann

Rendered from vignettes_Indel.Rmd in YAPSA 1.31.0.
Usage of YAPSA for Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) data Updated 12 months ago

Daniel Huebschmann

Rendered from vignette_exomes.Rmd in YAPSA 1.31.0.
Make Enriched HeatmapsUpdated 1 years ago

Zuguang Gu ( [email protected] )

Rendered from EnrichedHeatmap.Rmd in EnrichedHeatmap 1.35.0.
Visualize Categorical SignalsUpdated 1 years ago

Zuguang Gu ( [email protected] )

Rendered from visualize_categorical_signals_wrapper.Rmd in EnrichedHeatmap 1.35.0.
Compare row ordering methodsUpdated 1 years ago

Zuguang Gu ( [email protected] )

Rendered from row_odering.Rmd in EnrichedHeatmap 1.35.0.
Visualize Comprehensive Associations in Roadmap datasetUpdated 1 years ago

Zuguang Gu ( [email protected] )

Rendered from roadmap.Rmd in EnrichedHeatmap 1.35.0.
Co-heaviness of two parent packagesUpdated 2 years ago

Zuguang Gu

Rendered from co_heaviness.Rmd in pkgndep 1.99.1.
Suggestions for optimizing package dependenciesUpdated 2 years ago

Zuguang Gu

Rendered from suggestions.Rmd in pkgndep 1.99.1.
Check the heaviness of package dependenciesUpdated 2 years ago

Zuguang Gu

Rendered from pkgndep.Rmd in pkgndep 1.99.1.
The database of heaviness analysis on the CRAN/Bioconductor ecosystemUpdated 2 years ago

Zuguang Gu

Rendered from database.Rmd in pkgndep 1.99.1.
The colorRamp2 packageUpdated 2 years ago

Zuguang Gu ([email protected])

Rendered from colorRamp2.Rmd in colorRamp2 0.0.1.
Sub-commandsUpdated 2 years ago

Zuguang Gu ([email protected])

Rendered from sub_commands.Rmd in GetoptLong 1.1.0.
Making 2D Hilbert CurveUpdated 2 years ago

Zuguang Gu ([email protected])

Rendered from HilbertCurve.Rmd in HilbertCurve 1.35.0.
How to visualize complex heatmaps interactivelyUpdated 2 years ago

Zuguang Gu ( [email protected] )

Rendered from InteractiveComplexHeatmap.Rmd in InteractiveComplexHeatmap 1.13.0.
Functions for Shiny app developmentUpdated 3 years ago

Zuguang Gu ( [email protected] )

Rendered from shiny_dev.Rmd in InteractiveComplexHeatmap 1.13.0.
Interactivate heatmaps indirectly generated by pheatmap(), heatmap.2() and heatmap()Updated 3 years ago

Zuguang Gu ( [email protected] )

Rendered from interactivate_indirect.Rmd in InteractiveComplexHeatmap 1.13.0.
A Shiny app for visualizing DESeq2 resultsUpdated 3 years ago

Zuguang Gu ( [email protected] )

Rendered from deseq2_app.Rmd in InteractiveComplexHeatmap 1.13.0.
Share interactive heatmaps to collaboratorsUpdated 3 years ago

Zuguang Gu ( [email protected] )

Rendered from share.Rmd in InteractiveComplexHeatmap 1.13.0.
Use of colaUpdated 3 years ago

Zuguang Gu ([email protected])

Rendered from cola.Rmd in cola 2.11.0.
CePa VignetteUpdated 3 years ago

Zuguang Gu

Rendered from CePa.Rnw in CePa 0.8.0.
parsing-PIDUpdated 3 years ago

Zuguang Gu

Rendered from parsing-PID-pathway-data.Rnw in CePa 0.8.0.
Implement interactive heatmap from scratchUpdated 3 years ago

Zuguang Gu ( [email protected] )

Rendered from from_scratch.Rmd in InteractiveComplexHeatmap 1.13.0.
How interactive complex heatmap is implementedUpdated 3 years ago

Zuguang Gu ( [email protected] )

Rendered from implementation.Rmd in InteractiveComplexHeatmap 1.13.0.
Decorations on heatmapsUpdated 3 years ago

Zuguang Gu ( [email protected] )

Rendered from decoration.Rmd in InteractiveComplexHeatmap 1.13.0.
ComplexHeatmap vignetteUpdated 4 years ago

Zuguang Gu

Rendered from complex_heatmap.rmd in ComplexHeatmap 2.21.0.
Most probably asked questionsUpdated 4 years ago

Zuguang Gu

Rendered from most_probably_asked_questions.Rmd in ComplexHeatmap 2.21.0.
Parsing command-line arguments by Getopt::LongUpdated 4 years ago

Zuguang Gu ([email protected])

Rendered from GetoptLong.Rmd in GetoptLong 1.1.0.
circlize vignetteUpdated 4 years ago

Zuguang Gu

Rendered from circlize.Rmd in circlize 0.4.16.
Generate Global OptionsUpdated 4 years ago

Zuguang Gu ([email protected])

Rendered from GlobalOptions.Rmd in GlobalOptions 0.1.2.
Simple variable interpolationUpdated 4 years ago

Zuguang Gu ([email protected])

Rendered from variable_interpolation.Rmd in GetoptLong 1.1.0.
Make Genome-level Trellis GraphUpdated 6 years ago

Zuguang Gu

Rendered from gtrellis.Rmd in gtrellis 1.37.0.
analysis-p53Updated 9 years ago

Zuguang Gu

Rendered from analysis-p53.Rnw in CePa 0.8.0.