1. BioCartaImage::BC2ENTREZ
    Pre-computed data objects
    Pre-computed data objects
  3. BioCartaImage::PATHWAY2BC
    Pre-computed data objects
  4. BioCartaImage::PATHWAY2ENTREZ
    Pre-computed data objects
  5. BioCartaImage::PATHWAY2MSIGDB
    Pre-computed data objects
  6. CePa::PID.db
    pathway catalogues from Pathway Interaction Database(PID)
  7. CePa::gene.list
    Differential gene list and background gene list
  8. cola::cola_rl
    Example ConsensusPartitionList object
  9. cola::golub_cola
    Example ConsensusPartitionList object from Golub dataset
  10. cola::golub_cola_ds
    Example DownSamplingConsensusPartition object from Golub dataset
  11. cola::golub_cola_rh
    Example HierarchicalPartition object from Golub dataset
  12. InteractiveComplexHeatmap::rand_mat
    A random matrix
    matrix|60 x 60
  13. YAPSA::AlexCosmicArtif_sigInd_df
    Data for mutational signatures
  14. YAPSA::AlexCosmicArtif_sig_df
    Data for mutational signatures
  15. YAPSA::AlexCosmicValid_sigInd_df
    Data for mutational signatures
  16. YAPSA::AlexCosmicValid_sig_df
    Data for mutational signatures
  17. YAPSA::AlexCosmicValid_sig_df
    Data for mutational signatures
  18. YAPSA::AlexInitialArtif_sigInd_df
    Data for mutational signatures
  19. YAPSA::AlexInitialArtif_sig_df
    Data for mutational signatures
  20. YAPSA::AlexInitialValid_sigInd_df
    Data for mutational signatures
  21. YAPSA::AlexInitialValid_sig_df
    Data for mutational signatures
  22. YAPSA::COSMIC_subgroups_df
    Test and example data
  23. YAPSA::GenomeOfNl_raw
    Example data for the Indel vignette
  24. YAPSA::MutCat_indel_df
    Example mutational catalog for the Indel vignette
  25. YAPSA::PCAWG_SP_ID_sigInd_df
    Data for PCAWG SNV signatures (COSMIC v3), including artifacts 'PCAWG_SP_SBS_sigs_Artif_df': Data frame of the signatures published by Alexandrov et al. (Biorxiv 2013) which were decomposed with the method SigProfiler. SNV signatures are labeled with SBS, single base signature. There are 67 signatures which constitute the columns, 47 of which were validated by a bayesian NFM mehtod, SignatureAnayzer. Validated signatures are SBS1-SBS26,SBS28-SBS42 and SBS44. SBS7 is split up into 7 a/b/c and d. SBS10 ans SBS17 are both split up into a and b. Resulting in a 47 validated sigantures. Please note, unlike the paper by Alexandrov et al. (Biorxiv 2018) the data sets do not contain a SBS84 and SBS85 as not all were availiablt to perfom supervised signature analysis. In total there are 96 different features and therefore 96 rows when dealing with a trinucleotide context.
  26. YAPSA::PCAWG_SP_ID_sigs_df
    Data for PCAWG SNV signatures (COSMIC v3), including artifacts 'PCAWG_SP_SBS_sigs_Artif_df': Data frame of the signatures published by Alexandrov et al. (Biorxiv 2013) which were decomposed with the method SigProfiler. SNV signatures are labeled with SBS, single base signature. There are 67 signatures which constitute the columns, 47 of which were validated by a bayesian NFM mehtod, SignatureAnayzer. Validated signatures are SBS1-SBS26,SBS28-SBS42 and SBS44. SBS7 is split up into 7 a/b/c and d. SBS10 ans SBS17 are both split up into a and b. Resulting in a 47 validated sigantures. Please note, unlike the paper by Alexandrov et al. (Biorxiv 2018) the data sets do not contain a SBS84 and SBS85 as not all were availiablt to perfom supervised signature analysis. In total there are 96 different features and therefore 96 rows when dealing with a trinucleotide context.
  27. YAPSA::PCAWG_SP_SBS_sigInd_Artif_df
    Data for PCAWG SNV signatures (COSMIC v3), including artifacts 'PCAWG_SP_SBS_sigs_Artif_df': Data frame of the signatures published by Alexandrov et al. (Biorxiv 2013) which were decomposed with the method SigProfiler. SNV signatures are labeled with SBS, single base signature. There are 67 signatures which constitute the columns, 47 of which were validated by a bayesian NFM mehtod, SignatureAnayzer. Validated signatures are SBS1-SBS26,SBS28-SBS42 and SBS44. SBS7 is split up into 7 a/b/c and d. SBS10 ans SBS17 are both split up into a and b. Resulting in a 47 validated sigantures. Please note, unlike the paper by Alexandrov et al. (Biorxiv 2018) the data sets do not contain a SBS84 and SBS85 as not all were availiablt to perfom supervised signature analysis. In total there are 96 different features and therefore 96 rows when dealing with a trinucleotide context.
  28. YAPSA::PCAWG_SP_SBS_sigInd_Real_df
    Data for PCAWG SNV signatures (COSMIC v3), including artifacts 'PCAWG_SP_SBS_sigs_Artif_df': Data frame of the signatures published by Alexandrov et al. (Biorxiv 2013) which were decomposed with the method SigProfiler. SNV signatures are labeled with SBS, single base signature. There are 67 signatures which constitute the columns, 47 of which were validated by a bayesian NFM mehtod, SignatureAnayzer. Validated signatures are SBS1-SBS26,SBS28-SBS42 and SBS44. SBS7 is split up into 7 a/b/c and d. SBS10 ans SBS17 are both split up into a and b. Resulting in a 47 validated sigantures. Please note, unlike the paper by Alexandrov et al. (Biorxiv 2018) the data sets do not contain a SBS84 and SBS85 as not all were availiablt to perfom supervised signature analysis. In total there are 96 different features and therefore 96 rows when dealing with a trinucleotide context.
  29. YAPSA::PCAWG_SP_SBS_sigs_Artif_df
    Data for PCAWG SNV signatures (COSMIC v3), including artifacts 'PCAWG_SP_SBS_sigs_Artif_df': Data frame of the signatures published by Alexandrov et al. (Biorxiv 2013) which were decomposed with the method SigProfiler. SNV signatures are labeled with SBS, single base signature. There are 67 signatures which constitute the columns, 47 of which were validated by a bayesian NFM mehtod, SignatureAnayzer. Validated signatures are SBS1-SBS26,SBS28-SBS42 and SBS44. SBS7 is split up into 7 a/b/c and d. SBS10 ans SBS17 are both split up into a and b. Resulting in a 47 validated sigantures. Please note, unlike the paper by Alexandrov et al. (Biorxiv 2018) the data sets do not contain a SBS84 and SBS85 as not all were availiablt to perfom supervised signature analysis. In total there are 96 different features and therefore 96 rows when dealing with a trinucleotide context.
  30. YAPSA::PCAWG_SP_SBS_sigs_Real_df
    Data for PCAWG SNV signatures (COSMIC v3), including artifacts 'PCAWG_SP_SBS_sigs_Artif_df': Data frame of the signatures published by Alexandrov et al. (Biorxiv 2013) which were decomposed with the method SigProfiler. SNV signatures are labeled with SBS, single base signature. There are 67 signatures which constitute the columns, 47 of which were validated by a bayesian NFM mehtod, SignatureAnayzer. Validated signatures are SBS1-SBS26,SBS28-SBS42 and SBS44. SBS7 is split up into 7 a/b/c and d. SBS10 ans SBS17 are both split up into a and b. Resulting in a 47 validated sigantures. Please note, unlike the paper by Alexandrov et al. (Biorxiv 2018) the data sets do not contain a SBS84 and SBS85 as not all were availiablt to perfom supervised signature analysis. In total there are 96 different features and therefore 96 rows when dealing with a trinucleotide context.
  31. YAPSA::chosen_signatures_indices_df
    Test and example data
  32. YAPSA::cutoffCosmicArtif_abs_df
    Cutoffs for a supervised analysis of mutational signatures.
  33. YAPSA::cutoffCosmicArtif_rel_df
    Cutoffs for a supervised analysis of mutational signatures.
  34. YAPSA::cutoffCosmicValid_abs_df
    Cutoffs for a supervised analysis of mutational signatures.
  35. YAPSA::cutoffCosmicValid_rel_df
    Cutoffs for a supervised analysis of mutational signatures.
  36. YAPSA::cutoffInitialArtif_abs_df
    Cutoffs for a supervised analysis of mutational signatures.
  37. YAPSA::cutoffInitialArtif_rel_df
    Cutoffs for a supervised analysis of mutational signatures.
  38. YAPSA::cutoffInitialValid_abs_df
    Cutoffs for a supervised analysis of mutational signatures.
  39. YAPSA::cutoffInitialValid_rel_df
    Cutoffs for a supervised analysis of mutational signatures.
  40. YAPSA::cutoffPCAWG_ID_WGS_Pid_df
    Opt. cutoffs, PCAWG SNV signatures, including artifacts
  41. YAPSA::cutoffPCAWG_SBS_WGSWES_artifPid_df
    Opt. cutoffs, PCAWG SNV signatures, including artifacts
  42. YAPSA::cutoffPCAWG_SBS_WGSWES_realPid_df
    Opt. cutoffs, PCAWG SNV signatures, including artifacts
  43. YAPSA::exchange_colour_vector
    Colours codes for displaying SNVs
  44. YAPSA::exome_mutCatRaw_df
    Example mutational catalog for the exome vignette
  45. YAPSA::lymphomaNature2013_mutCat_df
    Example mutational catalog for the SNV vignette
  46. YAPSA::lymphoma_Nature2013_COSMIC_cutoff_exposures_df
    Test and example data
  47. YAPSA::lymphoma_Nature2013_raw_df
    Test and example data
  48. YAPSA::lymphoma_PID_df
    Test and example data
  49. YAPSA::lymphoma_test_df
    Test and example data
  50. YAPSA::rel_lymphoma_Nature2013_COSMIC_cutoff_exposures_df
    Test and example data
  51. YAPSA::targetCapture_cor_factors
    Correction factors for different target capture kits